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Walk Across Where? Here!

Zach is exploring near your community soon!

Walk Across Where is a campaign to promote food security and edible biodiversity by pointing out all of the greenspace in cities that is underutilized while Zach Loeks walks across the city!
Rollin' Edible Ecosystem Surveying is a fun way Zach Loeks looks at landscapes and surveys for the potential of edible landscaping, permaculture and ecosystem design!
Pop-up events include micro farmers markets, consult booths, and fund edible ecological harvest parties

Exploring Edible Potential by Walking Across Entire Cities! WAW!

Zach walks across entire communities in a single day, up to 45 km /day.  By walking as the wolf, he is able to see how the available green spaces and resources for transitioning communities to edible biodiversity.

Rollin' Edible Ecosystem Surveying

Zach surveys wild ecosystems, rural regions, and urban spaces by longboard, blades, and bike.  This is to inspire the real connectivity between nieghborhoods and communities and the potential to use our routes of transit as major corridors of edible ecological wellness and community prosperity!

Pop-up Edible Events

Zach pop's up shop in communities to talk about food, showcase unique edible features in communities and host work bees to get good work done in communities to make the transition to edible biodiversity benefits happen! 

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